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Thinking about drinking!

May 17, 2023

Liquid Courage ……What’s “in” it for you!

I myself enjoy having a cocktail, nice margarita on a hot summer day or Bailey’s and coffee on a cold winter’s night. We’ve all felt the little buzz that comes with it and it even sometimes helps our confidence in social situations… it can either improve our mood or hinder it, so what is it really doing to our body?

I tend to have drink remorse the next day because I’m tired, run down, I feel dehydrated and I know alcohol can affect your brain cells creating anxiety, stress and memory issues….of course anything I forget throughout the day I chalk up to that, (not my age, because why would I admit that)! 

Alcohol can have many effects; it impairs nutrient absorption, effects the pancreas by producing toxic substances that are distributed throughout our body causing inflammation. I noticed after consuming alcohol I will have hot flashes like no other with night sweats and these are drastically reduced or completely go away when there is no alcohol present in my body.

 It can affect our gut and also interfere with our body’s microbiome. Microbiome is bacteria, fungi, viruses and their genes that live within our body and contribute to our health and wellness. So it can of course affect our immune system, not to mention the added sugars and increased calories, which we all know is not good for the waistline.

So the next time you are out and about socializing, dancing and singing karaoke, have that cocktail but be mindful of the amount you are consuming and the affects it has on your body!  Drinking a good amount of water along with your cocktails will help to keep you, not only hydrated, but negative affects to a minimum! CHEERS!! 

~ Tami P.


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